Hellooo... just a little catch up on the last 3 months, not that there has been much going on really. Mummy and daddy were really please to hear that all my annual assessment test etc came back clear and all good. Not being on my nebuliser could mean anything though, as everytime i stop it that rotten pseudo comes kicking back!! The next clinic appointment after my annuals was September 16th so only time would tell.
In the mean time mummy, auntie Kelly and mummies friends (Vicky, Amy and Charlotte) successfully completed the Adidas woman's challenge for the second time on 11th September, Grandads birthday :) Daddy actually gave football a miss this year to show his support, along with grandad, Nana Lott and mummies friend sheila (who i believe is also known as Catherine) mummy and the girls done very well and raised lots of money for the cftrust. A few weeks before the run, mummy was out training with Vicky Tabs, when she pulled her Achilles. Poor mummy tried to carry on but could barely walk let alone run, so had to hobble the 5k. But either way they all done it. Well done x
So clinic came round, all went well. I have got a little taller and put on a little weight. Physio seemed really pleased with my chest, although you can never tell until we get the cough swab results back. We went into see the Dr who went over the results of the annuals. Although we had letter in the post explaining the results, it was all a bit gobble de gook and we didn't really know what all the big words meant so Dr O'Callaghan went over them. Everything was really good, my lungs were clear, the washings they took were clear. All my bloods were fine, my vitamin levels were fine. The only thing it did show up was that at some point in the last 6months i had had the onset on pneumonia but it never got a chance to take hold which was good. Basically, they said it was probably a cough i had, in which case we upped my anti's, a little extra physio here and there and all of that along with my fantastic anti bodies i fought it off before we really knew i had it. GO ME!! So to sum it up, iv had a rather healthy first year of life :) and that's just how i intend on continuing.
The next week my cough swab results came back... clear :) so i had the bronch done in July when i was having my month off my neb, had the neb for August, then off it for September when i had the swab done and it came back with a big fat nothing. Couldn't have been more pleased, fingers crossed the pseudo has finally given up trying to get me! I'm just too strong :)
Halloween....we went for a spooky walk at the Gun powder park with my playgroup. I was dressed as Dracula. It was very dark and there was lots of spooky pumpkins and ghosts around, and lots of spiders for us to find. We went to the bat boxes but i think all us kiddies were just too noisy and scared all the bats away as we didn't see any. When we got home, we had a few trick or treaters which i handed out some sweeties to but not many. I think mummy bought a few too many on purpose hehe!!
Fireworks night was FAB! I absolutely love the big weee whizz bangers, so pretty too. Thanks to grandad and Nana Lott for having a party, it was the best. We had to leave early though to get to another party, one of daddies friends engagement party. It was really late and past my bedtime, but no way was i going to sleep when i was getting my groove on!! (and i had found the malteasers in the buffet room, result) I eventually conked out when we got home, and was up bright and breezy the next morning at 7am :) mummy and daddy was well pleased with that i could tell haha.
Since Septembers clinic i have been feeling great. Am due in again on 18th November, so keep your fingers crossed for good results then. Will post after clinic x
Ethan x
About Me

- Ethan (and mummy and daddy)
- Well I entered the world on 25th June 2010, the day after mummys birthday. That picture up there was one of the first daddy took of me. We were all fine and was home the next day. As I am now at 9weeks, I love being in my swing, on my play gym or in the bath kicking my legs around (ready for daddy to take me footie) I'm quite the dribbler!! I do love cuddles though :) I do have my screaming fits, excersising the lungs, I get passed from mummy to daddy then back to mummy till eventually I fall asleep, bouncing me does wonders. So I'm pretty much the same as every other 9week old on the block, only difference is I have Cystic Fibrosis. I will get mummy to explain it as best she can for you and will try to keep you as up to date with everything as we can. So here is my story.....