Sorry its been a while. So after the bad news of the pseudomonas in my lungs November, we went for our last clinic appointment of the year and my cough swab came back clear :) 2 more to go before we get the all clear. On the way to the hospital I was sick in the car, this was the start of a nasty tummy bug that lasted all over Christmas so all in all not a very good first Christmas for us. I started to get over it then new year it was back. Soon as our cf team were back after the new year mummy called them. They decided to change my reflux medicine to see it that helped as they didn't think it was a bug. Touch wood it seems to be working, more meds but it makes me feel better so its worth it.
So my first christmas... I started at home with mummy and daddy and watched them open presents. I did try and open a couple but was feeling too poorly. Then we went off to see my great nanny. I had lovely cuddles with her before going off to my other great nanny and grandads for Christmas dinner. We spent the day there with great nanny and grandad, great uncle Danny, nanny and grandad White and uncle Paul. Was a lovely dad although daddy had to pop home to get me even more clothes a I was quite sick through the day and used all the spare ones mummy took for me.
Boxing day we went to grandad and nanna lotts with auntie Sarah uncle Kevin, auntie Kelly and uncle John. We played games had another christmassy type dinner. After talking to a doctor last night mummy started giving me normal food again And my sickness seemed to ease up. All today I have been fine :) that's something good. I had afew ups and downs between now and new year but hopefully im on the mend.
New years eve was great. We had a party round nanna lotts. Lots of friends and family. I had lots of cuddles with everyone. At the strike of midnight (I was tucked up in bed) they all went outside and lit Chinese lanterns and set them off. I woke up briefly while they were doing this and m&d came and said happy new year to me. We all made a wish and then I went back to sleepy....
Heres hoping all ours and your wishes come true...
Wishing you all a happy healthy new year :)
Ethan x
About Me

- Ethan (and mummy and daddy)
- Well I entered the world on 25th June 2010, the day after mummys birthday. That picture up there was one of the first daddy took of me. We were all fine and was home the next day. As I am now at 9weeks, I love being in my swing, on my play gym or in the bath kicking my legs around (ready for daddy to take me footie) I'm quite the dribbler!! I do love cuddles though :) I do have my screaming fits, excersising the lungs, I get passed from mummy to daddy then back to mummy till eventually I fall asleep, bouncing me does wonders. So I'm pretty much the same as every other 9week old on the block, only difference is I have Cystic Fibrosis. I will get mummy to explain it as best she can for you and will try to keep you as up to date with everything as we can. So here is my story.....
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