So Friday was my first fireworks night...and how great it was. Grandad and Nana Lot had a 'small' gathering that soon turned into about 37 i think auntie Kelly worked out. There was my aunties, uncles, great aunts and uncles and my other Grandad and Nana Carol and plenty more who i have no idea about, I'm sure gramps must know them, i hope so anyway. After a little while gramps went to the end of the garden to start all the pretties....WOW!! they are loooovely :) i was truly mesmerised. Its a shame they had to end. Mummy took me upstairs to get me ready for bed and we watched a few more out the window before daddy tucked me in to my bed that gramps bought me. I woke up to put my coat on but was soon back to sleep in my cot, ahhh.....
After M&D starting me on some yummy food as well as milk, my trousers seem to be getting a little on the tight side round the belly area. Mummy took me to get weighed.....15lb 3oz, Iv put on over 1lb in 2weeks, that's the biggest gain in such a short time i think. At this rate the nurses wont be saying a high calorie diet is whats needed, they will be putting me on rabbit food!!
Not such a good time at swimming this week. Typical as its the first time i have a spectator....auntie Kelly. I was very uncomfortable and just didn't want to play ball. I done a bit of swimming but spent most of it having cuddles with mummy while auntie turnt into paparazzi. It wasn't until after mummy had got me dressed and Frankies daddy was looking after me that he noticed that my top two teeth are coming through. Hooray, someone you know why I'm not in the mood for swimming. To be fair every time mummy tries to look at my gums i poke my tongue out and move my lips so its no wonder she didn't notice. I thought i was being funny but turns out if i had let her see, i would of got something to help with the pain, silly me.
Oh well, nothing else to report on.....
Ethan x
p.s I PROMISE pictures will follow of swimming this time as auntie was there and she never goes anywhere without a camera, especially when I'm around :) x
About Me

- Ethan (and mummy and daddy)
- Well I entered the world on 25th June 2010, the day after mummys birthday. That picture up there was one of the first daddy took of me. We were all fine and was home the next day. As I am now at 9weeks, I love being in my swing, on my play gym or in the bath kicking my legs around (ready for daddy to take me footie) I'm quite the dribbler!! I do love cuddles though :) I do have my screaming fits, excersising the lungs, I get passed from mummy to daddy then back to mummy till eventually I fall asleep, bouncing me does wonders. So I'm pretty much the same as every other 9week old on the block, only difference is I have Cystic Fibrosis. I will get mummy to explain it as best she can for you and will try to keep you as up to date with everything as we can. So here is my story.....
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